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The new blog has officially moved here:

See you on the flip side!

Colorado Christian Writers Conference

Seriously. All the cool kids are doing it.

Previously published short stories combined into one collection here: for the low, low price of $1.00. Seriously, skip the dollar menu at Micky D’s and buy my book.

It’s much less fattening.

If I include the names Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan in here, I figure I can include them in my post tags, and then I might get more hits… right???

Hunger Games

Is awesome. You should read it.

And you should try your own hand at The Hunger Games.

July 4th

* Is the date of my wedding.
* Is the name of a book that I just read by James Patterson. This was my first JP book, and I have to say that several of the scenes which Mr. Patterson described made me sick to my stomach. I don’t like blood and gore. Still, definitely a page turner. The plot was excellent. I see more of JP’s books in my near future.

Brain Fuzz

Just finished reading a manuscript. Need to de-fuzz my brain.

Puppy Relaxing

How do you relax after a long day? More importantly, with what ice cream do you choose to relax???

Tedious Work

Normally, I love creating things like spreadsheets, random documents, and brief blurbs about who I am. Taking notes on various authors and considering plot construction is fun, too. Except when I procrastinate. This is one of those mornings. I am working on a project for the Northern Colorado Writers Conference which I will be presenting at March 11 and 12 (and possibly taking pitches for WordServe Literary).

Gah. Loving myself despite my flaws.

Weddings, Reading, and Banshees

So, it’s been a while, and here is why:

1. I am getting married in a little over four months.
2. I am reading like crazy for Greg Johnson and Rachelle Gardner of WordServe Literary as their fiction coordinator. I love it! They are fantastic people to work with and offer so much experience. Sometimes, I feel like I am drinking from a fire hose trying to take everything in. 🙂

To make up for my tardiness in posting, I would like to offer an apology in the form of a story: By Chazley Dotson–WordServe’s newest YA fantasy author. 🙂

Have a happy Tuesday!

Ate Chipotle, that always throws me off.

Still, burned 506 calories working out today.

30 minutes warming up on elliptical: 240 cal.
11:49 hard core mile/cool down: 137 cal.
Swimming 500 yards in 25 minutes: 129 cal.

In other news, I switched my gym membership today from Planet Fitness to 24 Hour Fitness because a) it’s closer and b) I get a discount for working at CCU. Stellar! Plus, they have a pool and spin classes. Heck to the yes! 🙂

Sweet Excercise!!!

Calories: 1,437. Enjoing a calorie free Diet Coke right now!

* 30 minutes of walking/jogging on treadmill.
* 30 minutes on bike (not hard core, though–this is something I would like to work on).
* 10 minutes running at 12 mile pace. For the last 30 seconds, I bumped it up so that my end pace was 11:19. Means I didn’t completely kill myself, and I had energy to expend at the end. YAY!!!