Tag Archive: editing

Guest Blogging

Feel free to check out my guest blog at Chip MacGregor’s site: http://chipmacgregor.typepad.com/.

After Googling Chip’s name for an appropriate descriptor, I came up with “the Simon Cowell of the Christian publishing world.” Thank you, Jennifer Schuchmann. 😉

In all kindness, he’s wicked smart, he knows the Christian publishing business, and for some reason, he allowed me to post my ramblings on his blog. Maybe he’s just too excited about the Colts playing in the Super Bowl this Sunday to care about the real world!

I submitted a short story to Ruminate. And now I wait.

Yes, that did just rhyme.

Seriously, I have a feeling about this one, but I don’t want to jinx myself in case anyone out there from R reads my blog. Then they might be like, “Well, she’s cocky, so we can’t publish her.” But, really, it’s not cockiness. It’s just a feeling. My gut tells me that this one is it, baby.

I also emailed the lovely people at R and asked if I could help edit or judge.

Finally, in the wonderful world of all that is writing, editing and publishing, I am going to be a creative nonfiction judge for Notes and Grace Notes.

In the wonderful but crazy world of teaching: I am teaching Research Writing next semester! Woot! So excited!

Reading: John Green’s Paper Towns. Yay Nerdfighters!