Tag Archive: brokenness

The Time Has Come

Praying that FREEDOM replaces BROKENNESSS.


Praying… that He will passionately pursue you, break you, soften you to His love, make you ready to fully experience Him in all his glory!

“We are crushed and created,

We are melted and made,

We are broken and built up in the very same way.

What I thought I could handle,

What I thought I could take,

What I thought would destroy me,

Leaves me stronger in its wake.”

(Stolen from Gene Edwards because he’s my favorite)

1. “The authority of King Saul was true? Yes, God’s chosen authority. Choosen for David. Unbroken authority, yes. But divine in ordination, nonetheless.” Today, I am thankful for authority… unbroken authority, but divine in ordination, nonetheless.

And over that authority, I would  like to offer a bit of truth

2. “Keep in mind that some who have been given the very power of God have raised armies, defeated the enemy, brought forth mighty works of God, preached and prophesied with unparalleled power and eloquence…

And thrown spears,

And hated other people,

And attacked others,

And plotted to kill,

And prophesied naked,

And even consulted withces.”

Which tells me that there is hope. In the end, there is hope.