Category: young adult literature


The new blog has officially moved here:

See you on the flip side!

Hunger Games

Is awesome. You should read it.

And you should try your own hand at The Hunger Games.

All of my other prayers have been answered, so now I am praying that you write a book. Um… yeah.

* A few months early.

* From God.

* Wow.

His grace is greater still, than all of your wrong choices.

(When others say “no”, you can come as you are).

Speak to Me

Giant bug: 0

Sarah: 1!!!

Kitchen floor: ???

There are two options here. One=complete and under confusion (read: stupified!). Two=I am more awesome than Google Earth. I’m hoping for the latter.

How far God will go to get His children.  Awesome. Powerful. Fantastic.