Category: writing

Previously published short stories combined into one collection here: for the low, low price of $1.00. Seriously, skip the dollar menu at Micky D’s and buy my book.

It’s much less fattening.

If I include the names Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan in here, I figure I can include them in my post tags, and then I might get more hits… right???

Tedious Work

Normally, I love creating things like spreadsheets, random documents, and brief blurbs about who I am. Taking notes on various authors and considering plot construction is fun, too. Except when I procrastinate. This is one of those mornings. I am working on a project for the Northern Colorado Writers Conference which I will be presenting at March 11 and 12 (and possibly taking pitches for WordServe Literary).

Gah. Loving myself despite my flaws.

Weddings, Reading, and Banshees

So, it’s been a while, and here is why:

1. I am getting married in a little over four months.
2. I am reading like crazy for Greg Johnson and Rachelle Gardner of WordServe Literary as their fiction coordinator. I love it! They are fantastic people to work with and offer so much experience. Sometimes, I feel like I am drinking from a fire hose trying to take everything in. 🙂

To make up for my tardiness in posting, I would like to offer an apology in the form of a story: By Chazley Dotson–WordServe’s newest YA fantasy author. 🙂

Have a happy Tuesday!

I finished listening to Jesus’ Son today, and I was once again impressed with the language which Johnson utilizes. His strength is in creating pictures that readers can see while incorporating a poeticism throughout.

My earlier evaluation of “Emergency” is wrong in that the full collection of short stories is much more compassionate. The narrator actually traverses through experiences which lead him to face his drug and alcohol addiction. Whereas before, I assumed that Johnson was using the substance abuse as an excuse to create his “trippy” scenes, now I realize just how effective he really is both in language and character development. I was more willing to empathize with characters.

Thanks, Denis, for a great read!

So I’ve been reading through Rachelle Gardner’s various blog postings. Mind you, it is currently 12:41 am, so my sense of humor could, in fact, be a bit skewed, but I am finding this particular quote hilarious: “So, writers, please get your own email address. And if you have your own, and your display name is something like “mommy of 3,” please change it to Jane Smith. Or, um, whatever your name actually is.”

The reason I have three email addressses:

1. Junk Mail

2. Friends/Family/Short Story Writing Publication/Mostly How I Get Myself in Trouble

3. School/Professional

Oh, and I ABSOLUTELY don’t believe in pseudonyms. If I write it, I own it. Mostly. 😉

So, I recently added a link to my friend’s blog (see sidebar) Ahab’s Quest, and I have to admit that I am more than slightly jealous. This could potentially lead to some competitive blogging in the near future.


… a whole lot of student essays.

But, I am thinking about incorporating lunar bombings into my latest short story.

In other news: It’s time to start applying to graduate school. Joy!

Right now I am reading “Wreck on the Highway”. Just finished “I Hate to See that Evening Sun Go Down”. After this, I need to read something more… female.

… on my blog yet. Just to cover all of the bases.

(LOL’s at own baseball pun. Back to work on grading student papers.)

Reading Alice Munro. And Brandon Tice. Can you say, way awesomer than baseball?

Matt Bonzo’s Books

So, one of my professors from my undergraduate days at Cornerstone University, has 3 books out! Yay! And, here they are, in no particular order (in bold is information from him):
Wendell Berry and the Cultivation of Life (Brazos) with Michael Stevens. You can read recent reviews in Christianity Today and Relevant magazine.

Indwelling the Forsaken Other: Moltmann’s Trinitarian Ethics (Pickwick)

JUST OUT After Worldview (Dordt) edited with Michael Stevens. Chapters by Seerveld, Olthuis, Wolters, Naugle, Reppman.

While these books are available from the biggies (Amazon, Barnes and Noble), we recommend ordering from Byron Borger at Hearts and Minds bookstore.

(And, I would add, any local independent bookstore).