Tag Archive: creative writing

So I’ve been reading through Rachelle Gardner’s various blog postings. Mind you, it is currently 12:41 am, so my sense of humor could, in fact, be a bit skewed, but I am finding this particular quote hilarious: “So, writers, please get your own email address. And if you have your own, and your display name is something like “mommy of 3,” please change it to Jane Smith. Or, um, whatever your name actually is.”

The reason I have three email addressses:

1. Junk Mail

2. Friends/Family/Short Story Writing Publication/Mostly How I Get Myself in Trouble

3. School/Professional

Oh, and I ABSOLUTELY don’t believe in pseudonyms. If I write it, I own it. Mostly. 😉

“A true war story is never moral. It doesn’t instruct nor encourage virtue nor suggest models of proper human behavior nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done. If a story seems moral, don’t believe it.”

“Natural response to confession is the sudden need to be elsewhere.”

You should read this book:

Read This Book!

So Gina Holmes new book, Crossing Oceans, is going to be released on May 1st. And you should buy it. Just do it. You know you want to!

Sherman Alexie

Read Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Given my recent decision, I wasn’t sure if I could finish this one, but I prayed about it and didn’t get a “no”, so I went ahead with it. I really appreciate how well Alexie deals with grief. I could imagine a young adult reader connecting with this book as one connects with John Green’s Looking for Alaska. Of course, since I was listening to the audio version, I also had the pleasure of listening to Alexie read (If you’ve never heard him read–you need to stop whatever it is your doing, find his website, and drive to his nearest reading, even if it is over 17 hours a way. He is that good. And, he has the amazing ability of memorizing his stories. Fascinating!)


The Ask by Sam Lipsyte.

* Awesome.

* Loved the language.

* Love the story.

* Fantastic!

Finished Reading

Exquisite Agony by Gene Edwards

Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Audio)

Don’t believe me? Check here: http://www.chipmacgregor.com/

Guest Blogging

Feel free to check out my guest blog at Chip MacGregor’s site: http://chipmacgregor.typepad.com/.

After Googling Chip’s name for an appropriate descriptor, I came up with “the Simon Cowell of the Christian publishing world.” Thank you, Jennifer Schuchmann. 😉

In all kindness, he’s wicked smart, he knows the Christian publishing business, and for some reason, he allowed me to post my ramblings on his blog. Maybe he’s just too excited about the Colts playing in the Super Bowl this Sunday to care about the real world!